🎨 Everyone Has It! Discover and Master Your Creativity

|| Unlock the essence of creativity beyond the arts. || Whether it's through scientific innovation or daily problem-solving, creativity is in us all. || Explore types of creativity and practical tips to boost yours. Ready to unleash your creative potential? ||

🎨 Everyone Has It! Discover and Master Your Creativity
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

At a glance:

  • Unlock the essence of creativity beyond the arts.
  • Whether it's through scientific innovation or daily problem-solving, creativity is in us all.
  • Explore types of creativity and practical tips to boost yours.
  • Ready to unleash your creative potential?
  • Let’s embark on this discovery together.

Wonder if you're creative?

Artists, writers, musicians – they're the archetypes of creativity, using their ideas daily to craft 'art'. But what about the rest of us, those who don't work as artists or engage in creative hobbies? Does this mean we lack creativity? Or, if we do possess it, why aren't we all able to write a song or paint a masterpiece?

What does it actually mean to be creative? How do scientists apply creativity in their work? How creative do you consider yourself, and what steps can you take to foster great ideas?

Let's delve into these questions today.

water dropping on light bulb
Photo by Sharon Pittaway / Unsplash

My Story:

Growing up, I equated creativity strictly with artistic talents. If you couldn't paint, draw, sing, or play an instrument, you weren't creative. At least, that was what I believed, given my lack of skill in all the above. My sister was the one in our family blessed with the artistic gene (maybe apart of singing - here we could both vie for the worst singer title). This belief, that I lacked creativity, was a conviction I held for years.

However, I eventually recognized this belief as a limiting barrier that prevented me from pursuing activities tied to creativity. Through a journey of self-discovery—identifying my strengths, weaknesses, skills, and knowledge—I came to understand that many aspects of my abilities are indeed linked with creativity, albeit not always the spontaneous or emotional kinds.

Now, I view creativity as a broad spectrum, an innate quality within everyone, though some may need to unearth it. Moreover, I've learned there are numerous ways to enhance one's creativity and improve the likelihood of generating innovative ideas.

But, let's further unpack creativity and discover how anyone, regardless of traditional artistic prowess, can elevate their creative capacities.

a lot of paint brushes on ground
Photo by Yannis Papanastasopoulos / Unsplash

What is Creativity?

How do we define creativity? What essence does it embody?

While exploring definitions, they consistently highlight the role of ideas and imagination. For example, the Cambridge Dictionary defines creativity as "the ability to produce original and unusual ideas, or to make something new or imaginative." This explanation, though broad, sets the stage for a deeper understanding.

In my view, a more comprehensive definition is offered by California State University: "Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others."

Hence, creativity extends beyond mere artistic endeavors, encompassing innovation and exploration across various fields.

Write Ideas book on brown wooden board
Photo by Aaron Burden / Unsplash

Types of Creativity:

An online search shows many types of creativity, each framed by different perspectives. A notably relevant approach for this discussion is that of Arne Dietrich, who, considering the neurological processes and environmental influences on creativity, lists four distinct categories:

  • Deliberate and Cognitive Creativity: This form emerges from intense effort, requiring hours of problem-solving by leveraging an existing knowledge base and applying information innovatively. Central to this type is the engagement of the brain’s Prefrontal Cortex, facilitating focus and the integration of known data. Commonly observed in research, scientific breakthroughs, or technical innovations, like Thomas Edison's trial-and-error method in inventing the light bulb.
  • Deliberate and Emotional Creativity: Originating from emotional experiences processed over time, this creativity yields insights often perceived as sudden revelations. It's enabled by the cingulate cortex, bridging emotions with the Prefrontal Cortex. People using this creativity type tend to need time to process their thoughts and emotions to create ideas.
  • Spontaneous and Cognitive Creativity: Characterized by sudden "eureka" moments, this creativity type surfaces unexpectedly, providing solutions to previously pondered problems. Such moments are facilitated by the basal ganglia, triggering unconscious awareness and enabling the Prefrontal Cortex combine knowledge after a break from thinking.
  • Spontaneous and Emotional Creativity: Often considered an innate gift, this creativity emerges from fundamental emotional processing within the amygdala. Optimal conditions for its emergence involve a relaxed state of both the conscious mind and the Prefrontal Cortex, not necessarily requiring specific knowledge but perhaps an inherent talent. The works of many great artists and musicians are manifestations of this creative type.

Through this exploration, it becomes clear that creativity is not a monolith but a multifaceted capability inherent to all, awaiting activation and development within each individual.

blue and green peacock feather
Photo by Milad Fakurian / Unsplash

Effective Strategies and Techniques to Boost Your Creativity

Everyone has a unique blend of creativity, influenced by personality and what resonates with you. Here are 10 techniques I've found effective in enhancing creative thinking. I encourage you to try some and see how they work for you.

  • Understand Yourself – Discovering your creative essence is crucial. How? Through personality tests, feedback on your strengths and weaknesses, and reflecting on your key achievements and the skills that facilitated them. For tools on discovering your personality type, see my recent LinkedIn post. This will help you identify your inherent creative type.
  • Create Routines to Enhance Creativity – Once aware of your creative strengths, establish routines that maximize them. For researchers or scientists needing deliberate and cognitive creativity, deep focus rituals are essential. Artists driven by spontaneous and emotional creativity might seek inspiration from varied experiences.
  • Design a Creative Environment – Tailor your surroundings to foster creativity. Incorporate vision boards, inspirational quotes, and decorative elements like candles or plants. But remember - a cluttered space can distract and detract from your focus.
  • Meet New People and Learn Their Stories – Openness to new experiences and emotions comes from engaging with diverse individuals. Regular exposure to fresh perspectives can spark creativity. Challenge yourself this week to connect with someone new, whether it's attending an event, or simply striking up a conversation with a neighbor.
  • Collaborate with Diverse Teams – Teamwork is a powerhouse of ideas. The convergence of different personalities and creative types can make the impossible possible. Brainstorm, seek feedback, and view your ideas through different lenses.
  • Explore the Power of Visualization – Use visualization exercises, meditation, or images to stimulate idea generation. Platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Google Images can be invaluable resources, as long as they meet your needs. Try one of them this week while you seek an inspiration for your project.
  • Embrace New Experiences – When was the last time you did something for the first time in your life? Challenge yourself to try new things, from sports to culinary explorations. New experiences can broaden your perspective and inspire creativity. Do one new thing this month.
  • Travel Whenever Possible – Travel is not only a life school but also a wellspring of inspiration. New environments, people, and experiences can stimulate your mind and help translate fresh ideas into reality.
  • Benefit from Walking – Nietzsche believed that "it is only ideas gained from walking that have any worth." Use walks to clear your mind or as part of your idea-generation process. Fresh air and physical activity can enhance creativity in multiple ways.
  • Diversify Your Life – Introduce variety into your daily routine to encounter new situations and emotions. Going to the store always the same way? Change it, take another turn, pick the next closest store. Always reading the same news site? Diversify and change it every other day. Experiment and observe the world. You will be surprised how many new things you might spot.
photo eye shadow palette lot
Photo by Peter F / Unsplash

Your Turn:

Increase your creativity with this 5-step method:

  • Determine your creativity type (take a personality tests, seek feedback, and run a skill analysis).
  • Choose your creativity boosters (select 3 ideas from the list or find others).
  • Set up your plan to execute them (match creativity booster with purpose or goal).
  • Schedule time for your chosen activities (if it's not in your calendar, it won't happen).
  • Reflect and adjust based on your experiences (test – review – adjust; explore new options).

Bonus Tip: Looking for brainstorming techniques or workshop ideas? Unsure how to generate ideas? Michale Michalko book "Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques (2nd Edition)" offers a great selection of creative thinking tools.

Closing Remarks:

The world is filled with undiscovered creative souls and those who have yet to unlock their creativity. If you fall into the first group, make sure you cultivate your creativity and inspire your mind to create amazing ideas. If you haven't explored your creative soul yet, be curious and do so by using some of the provided techniques. Creativity is a risk-free venture that can only enhance your pursuits.

Writing this post from a café in Spain, overlooking the Guadalquivir, my own creativity has sparked several new article ideas. The idea for this post came to my mind the day before writing it, while I was chatting with one of my new online friends (who definitely falls into the spontaneous and emotional creativity category).

So, as you can see, creativity is everywhere; you just need to discover it within yourself and keep your eyes open.

Let’s make creativity a shared journey. Start today, and let me know where it takes you.

Photo: Dorota Kosiorek