๐ŸŽจ My Cheerful Friend, Yellow!

|| Meaning of yellow in your life || My story with yellow || How to bring bit of positivity into your life? ||

๐ŸŽจ My Cheerful Friend, Yellow!
Source: Family archive

At a glance:

  • Meaning of yellow in your life
  • My story with yellow
  • How to bring bit of positivity into your life?

Yellow, the third color in the rainbow, symbolizes friendliness, fun, creativity, and a sense of brightness and happiness. It's the perfect color to wear or use at networking events, as it helps everyone feel more open and ready to chat. Yellow is also considered a smart color, believed to awaken the part of our brains that aids in clear thinking, boosts creativity, and facilitates problem-solving. For instance, a yellow light bulb in images often signifies someone having a brilliant idea.

So, what exactly is the impact of yellow on our body and mind?

(according to Colours Explained)

  • Impacts how we feel โ€“ Yellow in rooms can make people feel annoyed. W. Newton Suter, a professor at the University of Arkansas, discovered that yellow rooms can negatively affect students' behavior.
  • Makes us feel more alive โ€“ Yellow is viewed as full of energy, making it a favorite for products designed to excite people.
  • Encourages us to think โ€“ Yellow highlights important things and improves our brain's analytical functions.
  • Helps us remember and focus โ€“ We're more likely to recall something if it's in a warm color like yellow, rather than cooler colors.
  • Promotes conversation โ€“ Being friendly, positive, and outgoing, yellow fosters communication. It's ideal for meeting new people.

Somehow yellow has been a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember... let me share a bit of my story.

My Story:

Yes - yellow has always been my favorite color.

As a child, I had a beloved yellow shorts and t-shirt combo that I wore constantly. I don't recall this, but my mom and sister insist I wanted to wear it every day, which meant I was upset when it wasn't clean ๐Ÿ™‚

My childhood room had yellow walls. I chose a yellow backpack for school, loving it despite how easily it showed dirt, because it was yellow. I still remember picking it at the store ๐ŸŽ’.

Now, if there's an option for yellow gadgets, that's my choice. My favorite handbag, hoodie (featuring Tweety), sneakers, and even my suitcase are all yellow. I could go on about at least 15 more things...

Why Yellow?

It just speaks to me. I see it as the most unique and original color, one that stands out and grabs attention, making me feel original.

My top pick is amber - a deep, intense yellow that's incredibly powerful. After red, it's the color that catches the eye the most. People in yellow are often seen as more confident, competent, and dominant, which matches my personality. Since yellow is linked to positivity and an energy boost, it fits perfectly with my life philosophy.

Perhaps as a kid, I subconsciously chose it as my life color, knowing it would bring power, happiness, and energy into my life.

Your Turn:

Part 1.

Let's start with yellow! How do you feel about this color?

If you like it, then great ๐Ÿ‘!

  • Explore it more,
  • see how it affects your mood,
  • and check where yellow drives a positive impact
  • and where you should avoid it.

If yellow doesn't seem like your pick, then I'd challenge you to give it a try!

Think about bringing one yellow thing into your life next week:

  • a yellow shirt
  • a sunny painting,
  • yellow flowers on your desk,
  • anything!

Sometimes, small touches can make a big difference. Yellow shines with joy and energy; adding a little yellow to your life can make things feel a bit lighter and more fun.

Part 2.

What's your favorite color? Take a moment to think about it.

Analyze the following areas:

  • What clothing colors do you wear the most?
  • What color are your favorite gadgets?
  • What are your favorite flowers?
  • What uplifts your mood?

Then, reflect on your childhood and ask yourself these same questions.

  • Recall memories and favorite toys.
  • Was there a color that was significant then but not now? How do you feel about that color?
  • Was it associated with positive feelings?
  • If so, how can you reintroduce it into your life? If not, is it still around you, and how do you feel about it now?

As a third step, consider your workspace.

  • Does it enhance creativity and energy if you have creative work?
  • If you need deep focus, can you concentrate easily, or are there many distractions
  • Think about how to use color to support your daily tasks.

Once you analyze and find out your color(s),  explore the meaning of it/them. You can find detailed descriptions at: www.coloursexplained.com

Closing Remarks:

Made by Dorota Kosiorek

I encourage you to reflect on the colors in your life. Try exploring optimism and positivity with small yellow accents. Give it a try, even if it doesn't immediately resonate with you. Let yellow remind you of the joy and positivity we all seek. Let it inspire you to be open to the wide spectrum of colors out there.

Each color has its story and its unique way of touching our hearts. So, don't just stop at yellowโ€”explore and find your life color. Invest a bit of time in analyzing its impact. 

For me, it's yellowโ€”no doubt! "How wonderful yellow is. It stands for the sun," Vincent Van Gogh once said. I couldn't agree more!