🎨 Little Daily Pleasures: How to Find More Joy in Your Life and Be Happier

|| Anhedonia - what's that? || My way of generating more joy || 30 ideas to bring more joy and simply be happier, today ||

🎨 Little Daily Pleasures: How to Find More Joy in Your Life and Be Happier
Photo by Madison Oren / Unsplash

At a Glance:

  • Anhedonia - what's that?
  • My way of generating more joy
  • 30 ideas to bring more joy and simply be happier, today

Often, we choose to chase happiness and make it dependent on other things. Do you keep saying, "I will be happy when [something happens]"?

Instead, focus on being happier each day, step by step, rather than aiming for some ultimate 'happy' moment and feeling that you are not happy now.

Recently, I was listening to a podcast featuring Dr. Judith Joseph, who spoke about joy making us happier. She also referenced the term anhedonia.

Anhedonia - What Is It?

An = lack; hedonia = joy, pleasure. So, anhedonia means a lack of pleasure.

This got me thinking about this newsletter.

My Story

This year, I decided to focus on meaningful things to be happier each day and to pursue my passions. One of the areas I wanted to explore was adding more fun and incorporating little moments of joy into my life.

I don't like waiting for things to happen to me, so I decided to add more intentional joy into my life. I made a list of five small things I wanted to do regularly to make a visible impact.

Rule 1: Have at Least One Slow and Mindful Meal Each Day

I decided to focus on breakfast. Why? Because I feel most in control over my morning, and this is the time when interruptions are minimal. Every morning, I make breakfast and eat it with my partner—no phones, just some positive morning playlist music and a delicious meal. This has become the most valuable time of the day, where we focus on ourselves, our conversation, and the meal itself for 30 minutes.

Rule 2: Maximize Time Spend Outside, in the Fresh Air

My recent picks are morning visualizations on my balcony, working outdoors, and taking more walks with my dog. Fresh air and nature have a way of refreshing the mind and lifting the spirits.

(in spring/summer I want to add min 1 hour on top of dog walk(s), in winter/autumn I focus on dog walks + any other walkin options)

Rule 3: Have at Least One Meaningful Social Connection Each Day

If I don’t have a face-to-face meeting or a good 1:1 call that day, I make sure to call someone to feel that connection. It’s essential to experience meaningful interactions, even if it's just a phone call.

Rule 4: Watch the Sky for 5 Minutes

Whether during a break in the day or in the morning while walking my dog, I take five minutes to stare at the sky. I admire the shapes of the clouds, let my imagination roam, and enjoy a moment of calm.

Rule 5: Turn at Least 1 Call /Day Into a Meaningful Chat vs. Words Exchange

I've shifted from standard, boring small talk to more meaningful questions that lead to deeper discussions. If a relationship is strictly formal, I get straight to the point to end the call earlier and gain a few minutes to stare at the sky.

Try It Yourself

Here’s a good self-reflection exercise to help you understand where you are on your journey to being more joyful and, in the end, happier. Check out this 2-minute quiz from Dr. Judith Joseph: Anhedonia Quiz.

For me, just reading the questions made me think and assess my life. After taking the assessment, I reflected more and came up with my five rules.

Many people have a high level of anhedonia, so don’t worry if your result is high. Just make sure to focus on adding more joy to your life.

30 Ideas for Small Things to Have More Joy in Life

Pick one or create your own to start bringing more joy into your life now!

  1. Write in a gratitude journal, focusing on three specific things you're thankful for today.
  2. Take a mindful walk outside, paying close attention to the sights, sounds, and smells around you.
  3. Listen to your favorite song and dance, feeling each movement and the rhythm.
  4. Practice a guided meditation, focusing on your breath and letting go of stress.
  5. Call a friend or family member, giving them your full attention and enjoying the connection.
  6. Sip a hot cup of tea or coffee slowly, savoring each sip and the warmth.
  7. Read a chapter of a book, fully immersing yourself in the story and characters.
  8. Watch a funny video or show, allowing yourself to laugh freely and fully.
  9. Try a new recipe for a quick snack, engaging all your senses as you prepare and taste it.
  10. Spend time with your pet, giving them undivided attention and affection.
  11. Declutter a small area of your home, mindfully considering what brings you joy.
  12. Write a heartfelt letter or note, expressing genuine appreciation and love.
  13. Do a quick yoga routine, focusing on each stretch and the sensation in your body.
  14. Draw or sketch something, losing yourself in the creative process.
  15. Listen to a podcast episode, absorbing the information or story with curiosity.
  16. Make a list of things you're thankful for, reflecting on why each one matters to you.
  17. Take a power nap, setting an intention to feel refreshed and rested.
  18. Practice deep breathing exercises, inhaling peace and exhaling tension.
  19. Water your plants or garden, appreciating the beauty and life in each one.
  20. Enjoy a relaxing bubble bath, feeling the warmth and listening to calming music.
  21. Try a quick DIY craft project, focusing on the tactile experience and creativity.
  22. Write down your goals or dreams, visualizing each one coming to fruition.
  23. Play a short game or puzzle, fully engaging your mind in the challenge.
  24. Look through old photos, savoring each memory and the emotions they evoke.
  25. Spend a few minutes stargazing, feeling a sense of wonder and connection to the universe.
  26. Do a random act of kindness, like leaving a positive note for a neighbor, and savor the joy it brings.
  27. Try a guided visualization exercise, picturing a peaceful and happy place.
  28. Watch the sunrise or sunset, noticing the colors and changes in the sky.
  29. Play a musical instrument, feeling the vibrations and expressing your emotions.
  30. Have a mini picnic in your backyard or nearby park, enjoying each bite and the natural surroundings.

Closing Remarks

Finding joy in the little things can transform your daily life and make you happier. Try incorporating some of these simple activities into your routine and see how they positively impact your mood and overall well-being. Remember, happiness is a journey made up of small steps and moments. Start today, and embrace the joy around you.

Check my previous newsletter on happiness to discover more about my life rules to be happier and how to make a bit of your own exploration using the 'Happy Me' exercise.